Recent content by krJoest

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  1. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    Here's a good video about how to hike Cedar Wonders
  2. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    No, that's west side SNF. The area I went to was north of Camp Cadiz off of the Old R2R Trail on the east side of SNF. I'm kind of an east-sider.
  3. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    Cedar Wonders is west of Gum Springs. Parking is tricky unless you want to hike in from Gum Springs
  4. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    Dead horse canyon isn't far away from ripple canyon, probably less than a 20 minute drive from camp Cadiz to HighKnob Campground. There is a lot in that area!
  5. krJoest

    Falling while hiking

    It was an eye opening experience!
  6. krJoest

    Show us your hiking dog

    Worst hiking dog ever!
  7. krJoest

    Falling while hiking

    I slipped and fell on the 'hourglass ridge' portion of Mt. Alice, and I was very lucky I didn't fall off the ridge or hurt myself. It was really scary but it didn't make me want to stop hiking. I don't know what I could've done to avoid slipping, maybe do shorter hikes. I had hiked over 10 miles...
  8. krJoest

    Dealing with snakes on the trail

    Try to get a picture of it!
  9. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    I hiked to Ripple Canyon for Camp Cadiz in Southeastern Illinois today, it was pretty amazing. There were 4 decent sized waterfalls and a bunch of tiny ones. About half this hike was off trail, I followed the creek to Ripple Canyon and then edged the bluffs up and down from the waterfalls. I...
  10. krJoest

    Where to Start Hiking

    If you were wanting to start hiking in Evansville, Indiana I would recommend starting at Audubon State Park in Henderson Kentucky, and once you're comfortable with hills you can head to Hemlock Cliffs, Yellow Birch Ravine, Garden of the Gods, Rim Rock national recreation trail, High Knob, or...
  11. krJoest

    Share Your Latest Experience

    We found another arch in HNF yesterday, it's one of the nicer ones that I've seen in Indiana. It was a cold day for off trail hiking!
  12. krJoest

    Post Your Best Summit Shot!

    Mt. Holy Cross
  13. krJoest

    Post Your Best Summit Shot!

    La Plata Peak, looking at Ellingwood Ridge.
  14. krJoest

    Post Your Best Summit Shot!

    Little Bear and the Little Bear-Blanca traverse. Taken from the summit of Blanca Peak. This is one of Colorado's 'classic traverses', I'd like to try one someday!